How does ICT make it easy to download music and videos?
ict makes it easy because people have made websites to allow you to download these pieces of music without any trouble, this means that within a click of a button and waiting a few seconds you can have whatever music you could possibly want on your phone or ipod or laptop. this makes it all so much easier. unforunatly though this isnt always how it goes. somepeple make viruses in files which can damage your computer, this is why you need scanners on you PC which will tell you when somethings safe and unsafe. Law on these websites come in when you click that download button. if the site isn't reliable then you could get fined which means a letter will be coming through your door or an email. this means that you need to be careful when you are downloading music and videos as i'm sure you dont want to be going to court or anything as terrible as that. do you?!
How does ICT invade someone's privacy
it can invade someone's privacy because on websites such as myspace, twitter, bebo etc, people can read your personal information, this means if you were to post:
going out at 11am today and won't be back till later, going up north to see family, going to be really worried, my house alarm isn't working anymore...people who can see this might then look at your address which might be:
this might then mean that because they know this information they might think, i could go and rob their house i know when they are out and where they live and no one will know because no alarm will be going off. this means that if you dont set your privacy settings to the right setting this could cause serious problems for you and your family. you will want to do the right thing won't you?!1136 elephant road
How can someone be liable for copying someone's work and passing it off as their own?
people can use online files to use as help for university course work or even homework in this time. Some people take this a step further and when they think that money is invloved or even they could take it too places like dragons den to earn millions, this means that they are liable for copying someone elses work. this is done over the internet in the way i am explaining to you. some websites give you downloads to use for ideas to inspire you. Some ungrateful people in the world decide that this isn't good enough for them and they decide to be spiteful and commit a crime. They do get found out even if it takes time. They can have time in jail and also a huge fine.
How can the internet be used to hinder crime?
The internet can be used to hinder crime because when the riots were going on in England people used facebook to communicate and decide what shops they would use. They obviously forgot that police can search people facebooks too see who is guilty for these crimes, this means that they helped to stop this crime from happening in some places. Once people realised this is how they will be caught most of them started using they phones and BBM and other instant messaging technology, police can also search these so they couldn't really get out of it no matter what they tried.
Overall outlook on LAW
Law is about how people can hinder crime over social networking sites. they can do this by contacting other friends and families over face book, twitter, my space etc and organise places to go and organise crimes around the world. this is called organised crime. Law in social networking doesn't always mean organising crimes, it can mean that when you download music off the Internet of a website, this is not aloud on some websites, this is against the law which means that you could be fined, so next time you download something off the Internet make sure and be careful that it is a reliable website and that you will not be fined. Peoples private information has been blown open all around the world on social networking sites such as twitter, bebo, myspace, and facebook. in a click of a button you can see someones phone number and someones address, this means that if you don't hide any of your information then it will all be visible to everyone around the world. so when you say your going out think about who's around and they know when your going out and where you live. You need to be careful.
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